The Museum of Heide is the only prevailingly archaeological museum at the western
coast of Schleswig-Holstein. Apart from that it offers topics concerning countryside
history, amber, animal world, history of the town of Heide, textiles, pottery
and other crafts. Since 1967, the museum is situated in the building of the
former national bank. The museum was founded 1904 by the trade association.
The main part of the exhibition is formed by the Museum for Prehistory in Dithmarschen
(body responsible: District of Dithmarschen), which is prevailently devoted
to archaeology, but also to the history of the landscape and the nature of the
region (e.g. animal dioramas, amber inclusions). Here you can not only admire
many things, but there is also a lot to touch and try, e.g. how fire was kindled
in primeval times, how you can draw sound out of imitated bronce lurer or what
the walls of an Iron Age farmhouse feel like.