"Forloren hare"

(Fake hare) Meat loaf Danish style

(Four persons)

½ kilo minced pork

½ kilo minced beef

1 grates onion

2 eggs

1 tea spoon paprika

4 table spoons breadcrumbs


Salt and pepper

½ liter bouillon

Sliced bacon

Meat, onion, eggs, spices, some of bouillon and breadcrumbs is mixed together - add cream and form a "bread"/meat loaf. Wrap the bread with sliced bacon and place it in a dish (rubbed with butter). Mix the rest of the bullion (maybe a little more) together with cream, salt, pepper and redcurrant jelly and pour it in dish with the meat loaf (this is for your sauce). Put the dish with the "forloren hare" and sauce in the oven at 180 degrees C. for bout 1½ hour. Wrap the meat in tin foil while you pour the sauce from dish into a casserole and finish it adding cream, salt, pepper, redcurrant jelly - blue cheese and red wine can be added - as far as taste and amount goes be creative. Serve the meat - sliced like bread - with boiled potatoes.


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With the support of the Culture 2000 programme of the European Union