Diod Sinsir / Welhs Ginger Beer

Take a 10-pint saucepan half-filled with dandelions and nettles in equal proportions, together with two sticks of rhubarb, and four sticks of ginger, which have previously been pounded. Fill up with cold water. Boil all together for about 15 minutes, together with a handful of currant leaves. Then strain and add 1lb. of white sugar to the liquid. Stir, and add eight pints of cold water. When lukewarm, mix one ounce of yeast in a cup of the liquid and add it to the remainder. Leave overnight. In the morning skim off the yeast and bottle the liquid, but do not cork tightly at first.


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© 2003 Pathways to Cultural Landscapes

With the support of the Culture 2000 programme of the European Union