Dr. Dagmar Dreslerová


Studies of archaeology at the Charles University, Prague (1977-1981) PhDr. (Prague, 1984), Research fellowship: Lampeter, Wales (1993)


Institute of Archaeology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Department of Spatial Archaeology. The editor of nonperiodical publications of the Archaeological Institute, Prague.

Scientific specialization

Landscape archaeology, alluvial archaeology, environmental archaeology.


palaeoclimate, GIS, and Early Iron Age.

Previous projects

Participation in Ancient Landscape Reconstruction in Bohemia (joint project of the Institute of Archaeology and the Sheffield University, 1991-1995), The Holocene development of the Labe river valley, Central Bohemia (head of the project, 1994-1998)

Current projects

Participation in: Landscape and Settlement and Archaeological Prediction Projects; national co-ordinator of Pathways to Cultural Landscapes Project

Selected Bibliography:

Dreslerová, D. 1995: A late Hallstatt settlement in Bohemia. Excavation at Jenštejn,

1984. Praha: Institute of Archaeology.

Dreslerová, D. 1995. The prehistory of the middle Labe (Elbe) floodplain in the light of archaeological finds, Památky archeologické 86: 105-145.

Dreslerová, D. 1995. A settlement-economic model for a prehistoric microregion: settlement activities in the Vinoř-stream basin during the Hallstatt period. In: M.Kuna and N.Venclová (eds.), Whither Archaeology. Papers in honour of Evžen Neustupný. Praha: Institute of Archaeology, 145-160.

Dreslerová, D. 1996. Modelování přírodních podmínek mikroregionu na základě archeologických dat - Modelling environmental conditions of microregion based on archaeological data, Archeologické rozhledy 48: 605-614 and 709-712.

Dreslerová, D. 1998. The Říčany area: field walking and GIS in the study of settlement history. In: Neustupný E. (ed.) Space in Prehistoric Bohemia, Praha , 116-128, 170-176.

Dreslerová, D. - Salač, V. 2000: Elbe-Archäologie in Böhmen, in: Schutz des Kulturerbes unter Wasser, Veränderungen europäischer Lebenskultur durch Fluß- und Seehandel, Beiträge zum Internationalen Kongress für Unterwasserarchäologie (IKUWA ´99), Beiträge zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns Bd. 35, 351-355. Lübstorf.

Dreslerová, D. 2001: Dynamic Changes in the central Bohemian Holocene alluvial landscape. In: Darwill, T. - Gojda, M. (eds): One Land, Many Landscapes, BAR 987, 47-53.


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