Dr. Jaromír Beneš

1980 - 1986, Charles University of Prague, study of archaeology

1983 - 1992 Institute of Archaeology, Academy of Science Prague, archaeologist

1993 - 1997 Museum of Prachatice, archaeologist

Since 1995: University of South Bohemia, lecturer in archaeobotany and palaeoecology

Since 1997: Archeos, unit for archaeology and monument protection (director)


Jaromír Beneš was born in 1958. He graduated in archaeology from the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University Prague in 1984 ("The production and interpretation of the wooden objects from the Neolithic until the end of the Bronze Age in Central Europe"). From 1984 he was employed as an archaeologist at The Institute of Archaeology, Czechoslovak Academy of Science, Prague. From 1988 until 1991 he directed the excavation of the Neolithic settlement site of Hrdlovka (NW Bohemia). From 1990 he has been co-director of the Czech - British project Ancient landscape reconstruction in North Bohemia (in collaboration with the Departement of Prehistory and Archaeology, University of Sheffield, GB). Between 1993 and 1997 he has been employed as the district archaeologist at the Regional Museum in Prachatice. From 1995 he has been lecturer in landscape history and environmental archaeology at the Departement of Botany, Biological Faculty, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice (Budweis). His specialist area of research is the interaction between humans and the environment in the Central European late Holocene (reconstruction of settlement networks in agricultural prehistory, human impact on deforestation and community areas theory). In the last few years he has directed several archaeological excavations of mediaeval towns. In the last two years he has established the laboratory of environmental archaeology with postgraduate students (archeobotanical macro remains, pollen and diatoms analysis) in the Departement of Botany, University of South Bohemia. From 1997 he is the director of a non-profit company ARCHEOS, concerning the field and environmental research.


Publications (selection):

Beneš, J. 1989: Reprezentativnost mobilní části archeologických kultur ve srovnání s etnografickými prameny – Representatively of the mobile components of archaeological cultures in comparison with ethnographic sources, Archeologické rozhledy XLI, 629-649.

Beneš, J. 1990: The small burial site from the Early Bronze Age in Jenišův Újezd: Comments on the deficient character of the population groups in the archaeological - anthropological picture. In: Anthropologie XXVIII/2-3, 137-147.

Beneš, J. 1991: A Neolithic settlement site at Hrdlovka-Liptice. (Excavation 1987-1990). In: Archaeology in Bohemia 1986-1990.

Beneš, J. - Dobeš, M. 1992: Eine schnurkeramische Gräbergruppe und ein Objekt der Kugelamphorenkultur aus Hrdlovka (NW Böhmen),in: M.Buchvaldek - Ch.Strahm (eds.), Die kontinentaleuropäischen Gruppen der Kultur mit Schnurkeramik (Schnurkeramik symposium 1990), Praehistorica 19 (UK Praha), 67 - 79.

Beneš, J. – Brůna, V. (eds.) 1994: Archeologie a krajinná ekologie. Most. (in Czech)

Beneš, J. 1995: Erosion and accumulation processes in the late holocene of Bohemia, in relation to prehistoric and mediaeval landscape occupation. In: M.Kuna - N.Venclová (eds.): Wither archaeology ? Papers in honour Evžen Neustupný, Praha., 133-144.

Beneš, J. 1996: The synantropic landscape history of the Šumava Mountains (Czech side), Silva Gabreta 1, 237-241.

Beneš, J. 1996: Archeologický a archeobotanický výzkum pozdně středověkého vodovodního díla z Prachatic – Archäologische und archeobotanische Erforschung des spätmittelalterlichen Wasserleitungswerkes in Prachatitz, Zlatá stezka 3, 158-181.

Beneš, J. 1997: Fenomén času v archeologii - The phenomenon of time in archaeology, Archeologické rozhledy 49, 231-242.

Beneš, J. 1998: Keramika, ornice a reliéf. Výzkum polykulturního osídlení v Kozlech, o.Louny (SZ Čechy) - Ceramics, ploughzone and relief. Field research into settlement activity near village of Kozly (NW Bohemia), Archeologické rozhledy 50, 170-191.

Beneš, J. - Kaštovský,J. 1998: Význam analýzy druhového spektra rozsivek (Bacillariophyceae) pro archeologii - The use of diatom analysis (Bacillariophyceae) in archaeology, Archeologické rozhledy 50, 845 - 850.

Beneš, J. - Zvelebil, M. 1999: Historical interactive landscape in the hearth of Europe: A case of Bohemia, in: J.Ucko - R.Layton (eds.), Archaeology and anthropology of landscape. Routledge. London - New York, 73-93.

Beneš, J. – Pokorný, P. 2001: Odlesňování východočeské nížiny v posledních dvou tisíciletích: Interpretace pyloanalytického záznamu z olšiny Na bahně, okr. Hradec Králové – Deforestation of East-Bohemian lowland during the last two millenia: Interpretation of pollen record from the site “Na bahně”, Hradec Králové district, Archeologické rozhledy 53, 481-498.


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