

New Cultural Paths in the year 2003

In addition to the 16 cultural paths already initiated and opened through the Archaeological Spessart Project in Biebergemünd-Bieber, Bischbrunn, Frammersbach-Herbertshain, Frammersbach-Rinderbachtal, Flörsbachtal-Lohrhaupten , Flörsbachtal-Kempfenbrunn/Mosborn, Gelnhausen-Höchst, Haibach, Heigenbrücken, Kahl/Main-(1+2), Lohr/Main - Wombach/Rodenbach, Lohr/Main - Ruppertshütten, Neustadt/Main, Partenstein and "Am Weißen Leimen", nine further trails will be added in the year 2003.

The following ceremonial openings are planned:

4. Mai 2003


The "Oscheffer Anker" - a cultural walking and biking trail focused on the early industrial history along the Main.

24. Mai 2003


An ancient Spessart parsonage along the old post route

21. Juni 2003

Hafenlohr Valley

Tucholsky, Glass & Haderwald - the unique natural and cultural landscape of the Hafenlohr Valley.

7. September 2003


The crossroads of Birkenhainer Road and Eselsweg

13. September 2003


Frohnhofen: Focal point in the 19th century - Revolution and fratricidal strife

20. September 2003


The Advantage of a strategic location - the "rieneckic" economic centre Wiesen

4. Oktober 2003

Alzenau-Wasserlos/Hörstein (during the County Cultural Fair)

Wine and Dominion - The South of Alzenau and the Abbotship of Seligenstadt

11. Oktober 2003


Boomtown of the early Modern Age - and how the Robber-Knight Götz von Berlichingen profited near Habichtsthal

18. Oktober 2003

Aschaffenburg- Strietwald / Damm

Mammoth Tree & Co. - the "Weppes-Path" in the educational forest plantations of the former University of Forestry in Aschaffenburg (1819-1910)

The Cultural Paths are being realised as a cooperation between the EU-Project "Pathways to Cultural Landscapes", the Nature Park Bavarian Spessart and the Spessartbund.


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© 2003 Pathways to Cultural Landscapes

With the support of the Culture 2000 programme of the European Union