

Inauguration of the pathway Haibach/Spessart

Already the archbishops of Mayence valued the water of Haibach. The conservation of the more than 450 years old fountain house, from which water was distributed as far as the castle of Aschaffenburg, allows you to access one of the most important monuments of early modern technical history in Bavaria. Long before that time an aristocratic family has built a stronghold here in Haibach: the Ketzelburg - long an item of legends, now archaeologically and historically investigated. »Wellekipper« is the nickname of the inhabitants of Haibach, because in the past the paupers here collected and used the crook-timber (called »Welle« in the local dialect) as burning material. In the former quarry »Wendel-berg« you can see, how an industrial structure has been converted in a reserve for rare animals. Here a mineral was found, which derives its name from the Spessart: Spessartine.

spring area with fundaments of the renaissance


Three late medieval crosses


cemetery of soldiers


Quarry of sandstone


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