
The HLC Applications Review

The main aim of the review, now that some counties have been using HLC for several years, is to establish how it is being applied in heritage management and related fields. We are looking for examples of where HLC is failing to fulfill its potential as well as where it can be seen to be doing so. The Review hopes to be able to produce examples and case studies of successful applications to help promote HLC's use even more widely. This seminar provides a platform for presenting our initial results. A questionnaire has been sent to completed and current HLC projects, and the seminar presents feedback from this and allow practitioners to contribute further, either in discussion today or subsequently.

There are five specific areas of application:

1. HLC and the SMR - Research and Prediction: to demonstrate some of the ways in which HLC can enable research, and how it can be used as a tool for prediction. This is an area that a small number of projects have begun to develop.

2. HLC and the Public - A European Perspective: as chairman of the European Pathways to Cultural Landscape network (an EU Culture 2000 programme), Dr Gerhard Ermischer provides an insight into how HLC and similar approaches are being used demonstrates the importance of the landscape to the general public, politicians and decision makers.

3. Integrating HLC with Landscape Assessment and Strategy: as the starting point for many HLCs has been the need to inform or supplement landscape character assessment and subsequent landscape strategies. This lecture therefore reviews the background to LCA, before describing HLC's main uses in helping to develop character assessments and to inform landscape management strategies.

4. HLC and Spatial Planning: to provide an overview of planning issues that affect the use of HLC at a national, regional and local level. This is particularly pertinent in view of the changes that are likely to take place in the near future following the Planning Green Paper form December 2001.

5. HLC and Agri-Environment Schemes: to consider HLC's important role in raising awareness of the historic environment in rural issues, and in providing a tool for informing decision-making on extensive rural developments, including WGS and CSS. Examples are provided along with suggestions for the future improvement, including Historic Environment Action Plans.


New characterisation team

Landscape as idea



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© 2005 Pathways to Cultural Landscapes

With the support of the Culture 2000 programme of the European Union